Bywater BASIC Interpreter/Shell
The Bywater BASIC Interpreter (bwBASIC) implements a large superset of the ANSI Standard for Minimal BASIC (X3.60-1978) and a significant subset of the ANSI Standard for Full BASIC (X3.113-1987) in C. It also offers shell programming facilities as an extension of BASIC. bwBASIC seeks to be as portable as possible.
Bywater BASIC | |
Release date | 2001-07-20 / 2001-08-28 |
Systems | Atari ST/TT/Falcon |
Languages | |
Programming language | C |
Download | Bywater BASIC 1.15 (163 KB) Bywater BASIC 2.21 (260 KB) |
"cbmbasic, a portable version of Commodore's version of Microsoft BASIC 6502 as found on the Commodore 64" - this is a reimplementation of the Commodore Basic V2, usable via a command line interpreter or in interactive mode (including the famous start text). Without any form of emulation or even simulation of the original hardware, use cases are fairly limited. The archive only contains the Atari makefile which is basically the unix makefile with a prefix added for the cross compiler.
For the screenshot, I downloaded a C64 true type font and changed the colors of the terminal. Note that compiling the program with the standard MiNTLib will result in an executable of about 370 KB. Get the source at the project's GitHub site.

cbmbasic | |
Release date | 2020-03-08 |
Systems | Atari ST/TT/Falcon |
Languages | |
Programming language | C |
Download | cbmbasic (52 KB) |
CPX-Basic is actually a port of Chipmunk-BASIC by David Gillespie. But Oliver Teuber and Jan Starzynski had a unique idea: They would put the BASIC interpreter in a CPX module. CPX modules were created for configuring stuff with standard dialog widgets. Atari never intended - nor supported - the use of a CPX window as a terminal. But that's what the two developers did: They simulate a VT52 terminal inside a CPX window and then use this terminal for a decent version of BASIC. It's a pitty that the source was never used for anything else.
CPX-Basic 1.20 | |
Release date | 2020-04-05 |
Systems | Atari ST/TT/Falcon |
Languages | |
Programming language | C |
Download | CPX-Basic (310 KB) |
Focal-81 ST
This is the Atari ST port of the Focal programming language. This version of Focal was basically written in 1981 for the then-famous PDP-8 machines. The source was designed to run on Unix, VMS and VAX (the machine that was used to design the first ST's!). Focal-81 is very portabel - I didn't have to modify the sources for the ST.
More information: Doug Jones’s FOCAL Index

Focal-81 ST | |
Release date | 2001-08-25 |
Systems | Atari ST/TT/Falcon |
Languages | |
Programming language | C |
Download | Focal-81 ST ( KB) |
Macro Assembler
This C program is an assembler for a hypothetical assembly language. The language contains nine commands. The source code and a help file are included in the archive.
Macro Assembler | |
Release date | 2003-01-14 |
Systems | Atari ST/TT/Falcon |
Languages | |
Programming language | C |
Download | Macro Assembler ( KB) |
Marc Adler LISP
There are many features that have been left out, the most important being garbage collection, but the interpreter supports a decent subset of LISP. All of the basic LISP features are in it, including funargs, progs, and boolean operators. A test program is included in this package.
Marc Adler LISP | |
Release date | 2001-08-26 |
Systems | Atari ST/TT/Falcon |
Languages | |
Programming language | C |
Download | Marc Adler LISP (10 KB) |
An attempt to do my own programming language, written in GFA-Basic. Despite the name, it's not a lite version of the Logo programming language. Source included!
Mini-Logo 1.0 | |
Release date | 1996-10-03 |
Systems | Atari ST/TT/Falcon & FireBee |
Languages | |
Programming language | GFA-Basic |
Download | Mini-Logo (51 KB) |
Mouse is a language first introduced by BYTE magazine in 1979. This is a Mouse interpreter. Although being called Mouse the language doesn't make any use of the ST's graphic capabilities. Although almost unknown, the language is not a joke and not an esoteric one.
Mouse | |
Release date | 2001-08-28 |
Systems | Atari ST/TT/Falcon |
Languages | |
Programming language | C |
Download | Mouse (10 KB) |
pForth - a Portable ANS-like Forth written in ANSI 'C'. This is a port of V19 of pForth, including source and sample programs.
pForth 1.0 | |
Release date | 2003-01-12 |
Systems | Atari ST/TT/Falcon |
Languages | |
Programming language | C |
Download | pForth (232 KB) |
PDP-8 PAL Crossassembler
This program generates programs for the archaic PDP-8 computer. Just drag a PAL file onto it and the assembler will generate a binary file. There is a more extensive documentation at the beginning of pal.c.
PDP-8 PAL Crossassembler | |
Release date | 2001-07-28 |
Systems | Atari ST/TT/Falcon |
Languages | |
Programming language | C |
Download | PDP-8 PAL Crossassembler (22 KB) |
RPilot is an interpreter for the PILOT programming language. PILOT, the Programmed Inquiry, Learning, Or Teaching language, was originally designed to be used by teachers as an aid in instruction. PILOT is easy to learn, and most people should be able to in a very short amount of time. PILOT was first developed in 1962, and was standardized by the IEEE in 1991. RPilot probably isn't completely standard, but it is very close.RPilot | |
Release date | 2001-07-17 |
Systems | Atari ST/TT/Falcon |
Languages | |
Programming language | C |
Download | RPilot (58 KB) |
Taylor Pilot
This is an Atari ST port and extension of an old MS-DOS interpreter for the Pilot language. Pilot is a very simple language once designed for absolute beginners. It's even easier than Basic. A commercial version of Pilot was released by Atari for their 8 bit computers. However, the language is not widely used anymore but hey - at least you can now say that your Atari speaks Pilot!
Taylor Pilot 1.2 | |
Release date | 2001-08-18 |
Systems | Atari ST/TT/Falcon |
Languages | |
Programming language | C |
Download | Taylor Pilot (31 KB) |
This is a PL/M to C converter. It will take most PL/M code and do a nice job of converting it to C. It tries to be intelligent about leaving formatting and comments intact. This version supports PL/M-286. Written by Robert Ankeney
PL/M-to-C | |
Release date | 2001-07-28 |
Systems | Atari ST/TT/Falcon |
Languages | |
Programming language | C |
Download | PL/M-to-C (61 KB) |
This is Peter Gammie's Turingol interpreter, with some typos fixed and slightly improved packaging. The only functional change is that the default action is -r rather than -o -- to dump the computation history, not the tuples in the intermediate representation.
Adapted for the Retrocomputing Museum by Eric S. Raymond, Feb 2000.
Turingol | |
Release date | 2001-07-27 |
Systems | Atari ST/TT/Falcon |
Languages | |
Programming language | C |
Download | Turingol (65 KB) |